Jon Saad-Falcon
June 2023 - June 2027
Ph.D. in Computer Science
Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
- Overall GPA - 4.00/4.00, Focus on Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, and ML Systems
- GEM Fellowship and EDGE Fellowship
Aug. 2018 — May 2022
B.S. - M.S. Program in Computer Science, Minors in Linguistics and Mathematics
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
- Overall GPA - 3.96/4.00, Concentrations in Intelligence and Theory
- Stamps President's Scholar, Honors Program, Tapia Scholarship, and U.N. Millennium Fellowship
- Undergraduate Research Thesis - PeopleMap, NLP and Visualization Tool for Mapping Out Researchers
Summer 2019
Berlin Summer Program
Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Exchange program with classes in Machine Learning, Agile Product Development, Statistics/Probability, and Entrepreneurship.
Academic Research Experience
Aug. 2022 - May 2023
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Research Assistant, Natural Language Processing Group
Christopher Potts,
Matei Zaharia
Exploring domain adaptive techniques for information retrieval models to improve zero and few-shot accuracy
Summer 2021
Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA (remote)
Research Intern, Stanford AI Lab, Natural Language Processing Group
Christopher Potts,
Matei Zaharia
Accepted for a cohort of 12 students out of 723 applicants. Constructing new benchmark dataset for naturalistic, technical question-answering models.
Aug. 2019 — May 2022
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Polo Club of Data Science
Duen Horng (Polo) Chau
Projects focusing machine learning and data visualization.
Aug. 2019 — May 2022
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Speech and Language Technologies Laboratory
Diyi Yang
Projects focusing natural language processing and computational social science.
Industry Research Experience
Aug. 2023 - Sep. 2023
Databricks, San Francisco, CA
Matei Zaharia
Leveraged statistical inference strategies to create novel automated evaluation system for retrieval-augmented generation (RAG).
Aug. 2021 - Aug. 2022
Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2), Seattle, WA (remote)
Predoctoral Young Investigator, Semantic Scholar
Doug Downey
Designed new efficiency techniques for caching and reusing sequence representations in language models.
Spring 2021
Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2), Seattle, WA (remote)
Research Intern, Semantic Scholar
Dan Weld,
Tom Hope
Constructed search engine for exploring of challenges and future directions within COVID-19 literature. Collaborated with 10+ medical professionals to design better tools for assisting scientific research.
Summer 2020
Goldman Sachs, New York City, NY (remote)
Research Analyst, Global Investment Research
Michael Lapides
Initiated an independent project using quantitative techniques and NLP tools to perform valuation of companies. Collaborated with traders and external clients to develop reliable Python tools for extending coverage of sectors.
Honors and Awards
2018 - 2022
Stamps President’s Scholarship, Georgia Tech
Premier full-ride scholarship given to 40 undergraduate students out of 30,000 applicants to Georgia Tech
Spring 2022
Fulbright Scholarship, Research Award, Germany
Awarded to top U.S. students interested in research and cultural exchange abroad
Spring 2023
Gates-Cambridge Scholarship, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Full-ride graduate scholarship awarded to 75 scholars out of more than 6,000 applicants worldwide
Spring 2022
Knight-Hennessy Scholarship, Finalist, Stanford
Full-ride graduate scholarship awarded for academic excellence, leadership, and civic engagement
Summer 2021
Donald V. Jackson Fellowship, Georgia Tech College of Computing
Awarded to well-rounded, first-year master’s student who embodies values of academic excellence and leadership
Spring 2021
Computer Science Research Mentorship Program, Google
Apprenticeship program for matching university students with mentors in Google Research
Fall 2021
U.N. Millennium Fellowship, United Nations
Semester-long leadership development program for supporting student leaders whose organizations address the UN Academic Impact Principles.
Fall 2020
President's Undergraduate Research Award (PURA)
$1,500 award to support undergraduate research with Georgia Tech faculty advisor
Summer 2020
Pathways to Graduate School for Rising College Seniors, Princeton University
Competitive program designed to prepare students for graduate school applications
Summer 2020
Oxford Machine Learning Summer School, Oxford University
Competitive two-week summer school for researchers and engineers in academia and industry
Spring 2020
Citadel Securities Trading Challenge, Citadel Securities
Placed first out of 26 competing teams in simulated trading challenge at Georgia Tech competition
Jon Saad-Falcon,
Rajan Vivek,
William Berrios,
Nandita Shankar Naik,
Matija Franklin,
Bertie Vidgen,
Amanpreet Singh,
Douwe Kiela,
Shikib Mehri
. .
Jon Saad-Falcon,
Adrian Lafuente Gamarra,
Shlok Natarajan,
Nahum Maru,
Hristo Todorov,
Etash Guha,
E. Kelly Buchanan,
Mayee Chen,
Neel Guha,
Christopher Ré,
Azalia Mirhoseini
. .
Jon Saad-Falcon,
Daniel Y. Fu,
Simran Arora,
Neel Guha,
Christopher Ré
ICML. 2024.
Jon Saad-Falcon,
Omar Khattab,
Christopher Potts,
Matei Zaharia
NAACL. 2024.
Jon Saad-Falcon,
Omar Khattab,
Keshav Santhanam,
Radu Florian,
Martin Franz,
Salim Roukos,
Avirup Sil,
Md Arafat Sultan,
Christopher Potts
EMNLP. 2023.
Keshav Santhanam*,
Jon Saad-Falcon*,
Martin Franz,
Omar Khattab,
Avirup Sil,
Radu Florian,
Md Arafat Sulton,
Salim Roukos,
Matei Zaharia,
Christopher Potts
ACL Findings. 2023.
Jon Saad-Falcon,
Amanpreet Singh,
Luca Soldaini,
Michael D'Arcy,
Arman Cohan,
Doug Downey
EACL. 2023.
Keshav Santhanam*,
Omar Khattab*,
Jon Saad-Falcon,
Christopher Potts,
Matei Zaharia
2022 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL). 2022.
Dan Lahav,
Jon Saad-Falcon,
Bailey Kuehl,
Sophie Johnson,
Sravanthi Parasa,
Noam Shomron,
Duen Horng Chau,
Diyi Yang,
Eric Horvitz,
Daniel S. Weld,
Tom Hope
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). 2022.
Kevin Li,
Haoyang Yang,
Anish Upadhayay,
Zhiyan Zhou,
Jon Saad-Falcon,
Duen Horng (Polo) Chau
IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS). 2021.
Austin P Wright,
Caleb Ziems,
Haekyu Park,
Jon Saad-Falcon,
Duen Horng (Polo) Chau,
Diyi Yang,
Maria Tomprou
Pre-print. 2021.
Omar Shaikh,
Jon Saad-Falcon,
Austin P Wright,
Nilaksh Das,
Scott Freitas,
Omar Isaac Asensio,
Duen Horng (Polo) Chau
CHI '21 Extended Abstracts (CHI LBW). 2021.
Omar Shaikh,
Jiaao Chen,
Jon Saad-Falcon,
Duen Horng (Polo) Chau,
Diyi Yang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP Findings). 2020.
Jon Saad-Falcon,
Omar Shaikh,
Zijie J. Wang,
Austin P. Wright,
Sasha Richardson,
Duen Horng (Polo) Chau
IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS). 2020.
Apr. 2021
"This New Tool Can Track the Environmental Cost of Your Machine Learning Model," Georgia Tech, College of Computing
Nov. 2020
"Being Polite Can Be Essential to Getting a Loan," Georgia Tech, College of Computing
Oct. 2020
"Georgia Tech Researchers Contribute 13 Papers to Premier Visualization Conference," Georgia Tech, College of Computing
Conference Volunteering
Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Institutional Volunteering
January 2021 — May 2022
Raising an inaugural multi-million early-stage fund to begin supporting Georgia Tech startups by Spring 2022. Created educational curriculum for teaching 40+ students on the fundamental strategies of venture capital funds
July 2020 — May 2022
Develop coding workshops and lectures to teach underprivileged youth from Atlanta-area highschools. Assist students in their college application process as well as guide their preparation for summer internships.
Aug. 2019 — May 2021
Research Analyst, Fixed Income Sector
Collaborate with fellow analysts to research sector trends, hedge investments, and determine market signals. Assist in developing forecasts and recommendations for a portfolio worth over $1.4 million.
Technology Skills
Coding Languages: Python, JavaScript, C, Java, C#, Scala
Technologies: PyTorch, TensorFlow, Keras, Apache Spark, Node.js, Svelte.js, React.js
Languages: English (native), Spanish (native), Arabic (beginner), French (beginner)
Dr. Christopher Potts, Professor and Chair
Department of Linguistics
Stanford University
Dr. Doug Downey, Professor and Research Manager
Semantic Scholar
Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2)
Dr. Polo Chau, Associate Professor
School of Computational Science and Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Dr. Diyi Yang, Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Stanford University